Holiday Cancellation Charges

If You Cancel Your Booking

Should you, or any member of your party, wish to cancel your confirmed booking at any time, you or the ‘lead name’ on the booking form must inform us by emailing. Cancellation charges are applicable from the date your written notification is received. Where applicable, refunds will be made by the same method used to pay for the booking. Since we incur costs in cancelling your travel arrangements, you’ll have to pay the applicable cancellation charges as shown in the table below plus an administration fee of US$ 75 will apply.

Notice period before departure or after arrival % of total tour price
Prior to 30 days of the start of the tour No charges (full refund)
Between 30 days to 21 days before the start of the tour 10% of total tour cost
Between 20 days to 14 days before the start of the tour 15% of total tour cost
Between 13 days to 7 days before the start of the tour 30% of total tour cost
Less than 7 days before the start of the tour or without notice 50% of total tour cost
After arrival in Bhutan 100% of total tour cost

Note: It is strongly recommended that comprehensive travel insurance be taken out which includes cover against cancellation charges so that you may able to reclaim these charges from your insurance company.

If We Change or Cancel Your Booking

We reserve the right to cancel a tour in any circumstances or force majeure both or after bookings have been confirmed. If we have to cancel, we will tell you in writing as soon as possible and if there is time before your departure, we will offer you the choice of accepting an alternative tour (we will refund any price difference if the chosen alternative is less expensive than your original one but if it is more expensive, we will ask you to pay the difference).

You will not have any rights to receive compensation if we make a major change to your travel arrangements for reasons outside our control. These reasons include (but not limited to) war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity and its consequences, hostilities, political unrest, bureaucratic action or obstacles, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather or road conditions, flood, fire, drought, closure of airport, re-scheduling or cancellation of flights or changes of the airlines or aircraft type and all other similar events beyond our control.

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